By now, many of you have learned that our longtime executive director, Anna Ross, has announced plans to retire from her lead role at Audiences Unlimited at the end of June. She will continue in an advisory capacity, working alongside interim director Nancy Louraine, through the end of the year.

Under Anna’s leadership, AUI has experienced significant expansion, both in its regional footprint and partnership opportunities, and has taken steps to ensure its sustainability as a viable non-profit well into the future. Other highlights of Anna’s 10-year tenure include navigating COVID with persistence and grace and spearheading our 50th anniversary celebrations, including Fort Wayne’s first-ever inclusion mural.

While we will miss Anna’s leadership, please know that our commitment to bringing the arts to unreached audiences has never wavered. “Anna Ross has done a fabulous job getting AUI to where we are today. We are grateful for her leadership in a time of significant growth and expansion,” Nancy said.

While Anna is convinced that this is the right move for both her and the organization, the departure is bittersweet. “My role at Audiences Unlimited marries my love for music and the arts with my passion for people, making sure that everyone—regardless of age or ability—can experience the arts. It’s been a joy to serve.”

Look for an opportunity to celebrate Anna and all she has done for AUI later this fall.

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