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Inclusion Mural

Our 2023 Inclusion Mural project in downtown Fort Wayne is part of AUI’s fiftieth anniversary celebration. Purpose The goals of the project include beautification, empowering creators of various abilities, and creating awareness for Audiences Unlimited in celebration of its 50th Anniversary. A plaque will feature a 3D version of the design and a QR code ...
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Artist Spotlight: Kristine Agen

Performer Kristine Agen Makes the Audience the Star of the Show Kristine Agen is wrapping up her 24th year as an AUI performer in area senior living facilities, and she couldn’t be happier. “I was the youngest artist they ever hired,” she said. “I had just moved to Fort Wayne and was working as a ...
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Give Greater Allen Thank You

Dear AUI friends and supporters: Thank you so much for your amazing contributions to AUI’s Give Greater Allen campaign! With your generous support, we were able to surpass our initial campaign goal and have raised a total of $3,315! If you were following our campaign on social media, you know that our initial goal was ...
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